QPAIR & Life Sciences - A perfect Match

Operate Smarter to Innovate Faster

Often, enterprises procure the services of leading cloud service providers. However, their stability woes don’t seem to end. QPAIR has been a trusted partner of many life science organizations, helping them in building operational quality stability and cost-effectively, says Raghunath Anisingaraju, Co-Founder and CEO of QPAIR.

“Organizations should embrace DevOps Culture!” If that phrase fills you with an unnamed dread, you aren’t alone. There’s a good chance you’d love to build your DevOps culture, but you aren’t sure how to start and what platforms to use. Agile operations and continuous innovation would be great…if only you had some kind of roadmap.

The Challenges Of Life Sciences

If you’ve explored DevOps for your Life Sciences organization, you know that there isn’t much out there tailored to the unique things you need for your field. There are tons of options for pure tech — so many choices for software development. Everything Silicon Valley has to offer is available, but it doesn’t quite fit.

Life Sciences companies have different needs for DevOps, a lot of which falls outside the area of expertise of your team. You may belong to a pure research organization or even a nonprofit. That doesn’t quite match the customer-facing, bootstrapping activities of a Silicon Valley startup.

The good news is you don’t have to be an expert in AI infrastructure and frameworks to build an efficient DevOps culture. You need a company whose mission it is to create the infrastructure you need so that you don’t have to worry about it.

QPAIR Is Made For Life Sciences 

The QPAIR journey has made it an excellent fit for your situation. In 2013, Priya and Raghu realized while many companies were trying to operationalize their development strategy, many lacked the infrastructure. They had talented people and plenty of expertise, but when it came to building the structure for the pipeline, they didn’t have the skills or the time.

The company they started helped organizations with cloud operations and infrastructure. By 2015, they had expanded operations in two different locations. Their idea was taking off. From 2016 to 2018, Priya’s experience at MIT helped hone QPAIR’s focus to life sciences. The QPAIR we know was born.

Why Is DevOps So Difficult?

Companies need to build a system of DevOps from the very beginning. Starting this culture allows the development of two things:

  • • building a customer-centric product
  • • delivering that product at scale

So why don’t companies do this from the very beginning? A lack of infrastructure is a huge issue, especially with companies in the Life Sciences department. You’ve hired your team based on medical expertise, for example, and not in cloud computing and monitoring. When you make your team responsible for troubleshooting or cloud security, you take them away from the jobs you hired them to do.

Your team is burnt out. Your shareholders are wondering where their product is, and you’re always worried about security. The common ground for all these things is a proper understanding of the infrastructure.

How Does QPAIR Solve Your Issue?

Outsourcing your infrastructure has its benefits. Someone else builds your perfect framework and maintains it, so there are no security breaches or downtime due to operational issues. Unless your budget is as big as IBM’s, you probably don’t have the human bandwidth to handle this in house.

That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Outsourcing strategically gets your team back on track. If you’re trying to handle your DevOps infrastructure in house, there’s a good chance that it’s become your most important mission, even at the expense of your product or service. QPAIR can take that load off by:

  • • blending custom solutions with a tried and tested approach to automation.
  • • defining the architecture so that teams are on the same page.
  • • offering a reiterative approach to compliance and quality

We have built custom solutions,” says Priya, “that guide the clients through their journey to bring a product from design to production in a secure and scalable manner.

QPAIR’s Process

QPAIR’s system is granular. It uses four key components that come together to form the whole picture. The finished product is holistic and addresses the four most significant concerns that companies have when building their DevOps culture.


Working in Life Sciences puts your organization in a unique position. If you’re a research or nonprofit organization, you may have access to highly sensitive information as you complete your research. You must ensure compliance with any privacy laws and ensure that all stakeholders can trust the security of your data. QPAIR handles security monitoring so you can work without worry.


When infrastructure is down, everything gets derailed. You don’t want to be on the verge of delivering your product and have your pipeline fail on the tech side. QPAIR continuously monitors your infrastructure from beginning to end so that you can work without downtime or interruptions. Plus, you know the infrastructure is exactly the one you need without costly experiments.


You may be in Life Sciences, but you still need to pivot in response to changing missions, demand, or market pressure. QPAIR’s system builds the potential for scale right into your system from the very beginning so that when the time comes, you’re ready for your next iteration.


QPAIR understands different perspectives through working with a variety of fields, everything from healthcare to consumer electronics. If you’re in the biomedical field, QPAIR has a solution. If you’re in Genomics research, QPAIR has a solution. Regardless of your industry, QPAIR can build your solution.

QPAIR works flexibly with a multi-cloud approach. It tailors the system to each new partner’s needs so that the solution has security, stability, and agility. Everyone is certified in Data Analytics from MIT ORC and can leverage key technologies to find the perfect solution.

Drive Business Value by enabling Smarter Operations and Faster Innovation! 

It’s not just QPAIR’s mission statement. It’s the fundamental philosophy that underpins everything QPAIR does. A string of operational challenges mars Life Sciences and Healthcare innovation. Instead of forcing your team to work within a poorly fitting infrastructure, turn that part over to experts ready to help you find your perfect cloud solution and help you maintain it. 

QPAIR has years of DevOps expertise and a keen eye for tech that supports innovation. Partnering with QPAIR puts you squarely back on track to innovation with a logical data management system, a scalable pipeline, and fewer worries. 

QPAIR can help align your cloud strategy with your long-term business strategy and reduce organizational risk from operating in the cloud and position your business for success. We believe companies can drive further value from cloud adoption by transforming internal business operations and increasing operational performance.
